Friday October 10
High Mountain Sports Annual Autumn Glory Ski & Snowboard Swap
9 am – 6 pm @ Trader’s Landing. Stop in during Autumn Glory Weekend to find that perfect pair of used skis or a kickin’ snowboard to start junior snowboarding. Drop off used equipment Friday 9am-7pm and Saturday morning. Antique wooden skis & snowshoes welcomed. This is a perfect time to outfit the entire family at a bargain price! For more information please call 301-387-4199.
Glorious Harvest Farmers Market & Craft Show
10 am – 1 pm @ Mt Fresh Pavilion in the Oakland town Parking lot. An old fashion Farmers Market & Craft Show in an outdoor pavilion: Handmade Arts & Crafts, Homemade Baked Goods, Pumpkins & Fall Decorations, Home Grown Fresh Vegetables & Fruits, Jams & Jellies & more.
Autumn Glory Fine Arts Exhibit
10 am – 5 pm @ 206 E. Alder St. Artwork of Jane Cardi in featured exhibit that includes oil and watercolor paintings. Fine art and handcrafted gifts from over 150 regional artists. Free Admission.
12th Annual Quilt Show and Sale
10 am – 5 pm @ St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Hall. See beautiful hand-made quilts from area artisans. Vendors, raffle quilts, quilts for sale and vote for your favorite. Admission $2. 301-387-2064
Glassblowing & Retail Store at Simon Pearce
10 am – 5 pm @ 265 Glass Drive, Mt. Lake Park. Interact and observe Simon Pearce master glassblowers demonstrate the art of glass blowing and shop in the retail store including a sale on 2nd quality glass and pottery. Children welcome. Free Admission.
7th Annual Craft & Basket Sale
10 am – 6 pm @ 1046 E. High St. Oakland. Wide variety of crafts and gifts including handmade primitive cabinets, hutches & stands, fall & winter seasonal crafts, Longaberger baskets, jewelry, pottery, candles & totes and much more. FREE ADMISSION. 301-334-6298
41st Civic Club Antique Show & Sale
10 am – 6 pm @ the Oakland Community Center (formerly the Armory). A very upscale antique show, our dealers come from PA, WV, OH, and MD and offer various primitive furniture, coins, jewelry and glassware. Free parking and homemade food available. Admission: $3 for adults and good for all 3 days. 301-334-4420
Mountain Lake Park Museum/Ticket Office
1 pm – 5 pm, G St & Spruce St. in Mountain Lake Park. Experience the Victorian past of Mt. Lake Park.on Friday, Pleasant Valley Dream Rides will provide a Buggy Tour and members of the Historic Association will be available in the “Ticket Office” to answer questions. Free Admission, Fee for Buggy Ride.
Heritage Craft Fest
Friday: 1 pm – 6 pm & Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm. Broad Ford Elementary &
Southern Middle Schools. Autumn Glory’s original juried fine art and craft
event. Functional, decorative, traditional and contemporary items. Paintings,
photography, wood working, fiber arts, glass, jewelry, pottery and more! Food
available on site. Sponsored by Garrett County Arts Council to benefit local arts
programs. Free Admission. 301-334-6580.
“Taking it to the Streets”
5 pm – 8 pm, Downtown Oakland. The Town of Oakland and the Greater Oakland
Business Association/Main Street will be hosting “Taking it to the Streets” on
Friday, October 11, 2013 from 5 pm – 8 pm in downtown Oakland. There will be
fun for the entire family including live music on the Front Page Stage. Check out
www.agreatsmalltown.com for up-to-date schedules and information. Hope to
see you in our Great Small Town. Free Admission though some fees may apply.
Fundraiser: Big Bucks Bingo
Doors open at 5 pm, Games start at 6:20 pm, Oakland Elks Lodge #2481. 3 $500
Games, 15 $100 Games and 3-Speed Games. Come out and support the Oakland
Volunteer Fire Department & Oakland Elks Lodge. Admission fee: $30 a pack +
speed games. 301-387-9868.
The Official Maryland State Banjo & Mandolin Championships
Doors open at 6 pm, 7 pm Program Start, Southern High
School. The best sounds of the Appalachian Mountains
are showcased by musicians of all ages as they compete
for prizes and the state title! Sponsored by the Town
of Oakland and the Mountain Maryland Gateway to
the West Heritage Area. Admission fee: $15, $12 in advance, under 10 free.
Saturday October 11
High Mountain Sports Annual Autumn Glory Ski & Snowboard Swap
9 am – 6 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Trader’s Landing .5 miles south of the 219 Bridge. Stop in during Autumn Glory Weekend to find that perfect pair of used skis or a kickin’ snowboard to start junior snowboarding. Drop off used equipment Fri 9-7 and Sat morning. Antique wooden skis & snowshoes welcome. This is a perfect time to outfit the entire family at a bargain price! 301-387-4199. Free Admission.
Parade Food Vendors
9:30 am – 5 pm. Food vendors are primarily located in the M&T parking lot and
along Green Street between 2nd & 3rd. Support these 20 vendors supplying a
large variety of food items. 301-387-0033.
Glorious Harvest Farmers Market & Craft Show
9 am – 5 pm, Mt. Fresh Pavilion at 2nd Street & Town Park Lane in Downtown
Oakland. An old-fashioned Farmers Market & Craft Show in an outdoor pavilion:
Hand Made Arts & Crafts, Homemade Baked Goods, Pumpkins & Fall Decorations,
Home Grown Fresh Vegetables & Fruits, Jams & Jellies & more! For info, visit
facebook.com/mountainfreshfarmersmarket or www.MountainFresh.org.
Oakland Shuttle
10 am – 5 pm Saturday. The Garrett Transit service will provide a shuttle service
circulating between downtown Oakland (Town Parking Lot), the craft/antique
shows, and dinners. For more information, call 301-334-9431, ext. 301 or 305.
Three buses will circulate the area and the fare is $3 for all day or $1 per ride.
Autumn Glory Fine Arts Exhibit
10 am – 5 pm, @ The Gallery Shop, located at 206 E.Alder Street, Oakland. Artwork of Jane Cardi in featured exhibit that includesoil and watercolor paintings. Fine art and handcrafted gifts from over 150 regional artists. Sponsored by Garrett County Arts Council. Free Admission. 301-334-6580.
12th Annual Quilt Show and Sale
10 am – 5 pm , St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Hall, corner of Oak and 4th Streets, Oakland. See beautiful hand-made quilts from area artisans. Vendors, raffle quilts, quilts for sale and vote for your favorite. Presented by Heritage Quilters. Admission: $2. 301-387-2064.
Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale
Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm, Sunday: 10 am – 4 pm at the Exhibit Hall at the Garrett
County Fairgrounds in McHenry. Join us for a wide variety of contemporary crafts
& gifts including woodworking, candles, painted décor, jewelry, specialty foods
and much more. Doors open at 10 am. Refreshment sales available. 888.387.5237. Free
Glassblowing & Retail Store at Simon Pearce
10 am – 5 pm Daily, Simon Pearce, 265 Glass Drive, Mt. Lake Park. Interact and observe Simon Pearce
master glassblowers demonstrate the art of glassblowing and shop in the retail store including a sale on 2nd quality glass and pottery.Children welcome. Free Admission. 301-334-5277
41st Civic Club Antique Show & Sale
10 am – 6 pm , Oakland Community Center (formerly the Armory) at 8th & High St, Oakland, MD 21550. A very upscale antique show, our dealers come from PA, WV, VA, OH and MD and offer various primitive furniture, coins, jewelry and glassware. We also have a King size handquilted quilt and pillow covers to chance off. Free parking and homemade
food available. Admission: $3 for adults & good for all 3 days. 301-334-4420.
7th Annual Craft & Basket Sale
10 am – 6 pm . 1046 E. High St. Oakland, between Southern High School and Oakland Community Center. Wide variety of crafts and gifts including handmade primitive cabinets, hutches & stands, fall & winter seasonal crafts, Longaberger baskets, jewelry, pottery,
candles, purses & totes and much more. 301-334-6298. Free Admission.
Heritage Craft Fest
10 am – 6 pm. Broad Ford Elementary & Southern Middle Schools. Autumn Glory’s original juried fine art and craft event. Functional, decorative, traditional and contemporary items. Paintings, photography, wood working, fiber arts, glass, jewelry, pottery and more! Food available on site. Sponsored by Garrett County Arts Council to benefit local arts programs. Free Admission. 301-334-6580.
Garrett Highlands Pipes & Drums Concert
10:30 am, Oakland Volunteer Fire Department located at 31 3rd Street in Oakland
(between Center & Alder Streets). Enjoy the spirit of the Highlands! Free concert
of traditional Scottish and Irish tunes played on the Great Highland Pipes. Lunch
available at the Oakland Volunteer Fire Department. GHPD is sponsored by the
Garrett County and Maryland Arts Councils. Free Admission. 301-501-0304.
The Still Kickin’ Cloggers
10:30 am – 11 am, Boxcar Stage, Liberty Street, Oakland. Enjoy mountain
clogging, as well as clogging to different musical styles.
PFM Youth Group
10:30 am – noon, Front Page Stage. Enjoy a late breakfast as you watch the
enthusiastic worship & drama team from Loch Lynn Church of God perform. Free
“Autumn Declares God’s Glory” Musical Presentation
11: 30 am – 12:30 pm Saturday, October 12 before the Grand Feature Parade, In front of the Oakland Post Office on Second Street. Exciting music and the Pleasant View Puppets. FREE ADMISSION. 301-334-8515.
Garrett County Chamber of Commerce’s Autumn Glory Grand Feature Parade
1 pm, Downtown Oakland. Enjoy the 47th Annual Parade of over 100 units including bands, marching units, clowns, drum and bugle corps and many unique floats by local clubs and organizations. Free Admission.
Mountain Lake Park Museum/Ticket Office
3:30 pm – 5 pm , G Street & Spruce St in Mountain Lake Park. Experience the “Victorian” past of Mountain Lake Park. Visit the “Ticket Office/Museum” (Rt. 135 & G St) to use a tape or CD to guide you on the walking/driving tour of the Historic Area. On Friday, Pleasant Valley Dream Rides will provide a Buggy Tour and members of the Historic Association will be available in the “Ticket Office” to answer questions. 301-334-4314. Free Admission,
Fee for Buggy Ride.
Western Maryland Tournament of Bands
6 pm, Southern High School Athletic Field. Marching bands from the tri-state region come together for a judged field show competition at Southern High School. This is great entertainment for the entire family! Concessions available. $6 for adults, $3 for students K-12, free for those 4 and younger. 301-334-1679.
The Official Maryland State Fiddle Championships
Doors: 6 pm, 7 pm Start at Southern High School. The 47th Annual State Fiddle Championships features fiddlers from 5 – 85 from a multi-state region as they
compete for prizes and the state title. Sponsored by the Town of Oakland and the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area. Admission fee: $15, $12 in advance & under 10 free. 301-387-4386
Sunday October 12
Autumn Glory Festival Car Show
9 am – 4 pm, downtown Oakland. Antique, Street Rod, Classic Car, Truck and Tractor Show. Non-judged show, first 150 registered will receive wall plaques. Step back into time and see lots of beautiful vehicles. Food, raffles, door prizes, games and Chinese Auction. Free admission to spectators. Oakland-area businesses will be open. Registration 9am – 1pm, registration fee: $10. 301-334-8130
High Mountain Sports Annual Autumn Glory Ski & Snowboard Swap
9 am – 6 pm. Trader’s Landing .5 miles south of the 219 Bridge. Stop in during Autumn Glory Weekend to find that perfect pair of used skis or a kickin’ snowboard to start junior snowboarding. Drop off used equipment Fri 9-7 and Sat morning. Antique wooden skis & snowshoes welcome. This is a perfect time to outfit the entire family at a bargain price! 301-387-4199. Free Admission.
Dogsledding Presentation and Kennel Visit
10 am – noon, Husky Power Dogsledding Home Kennels near McHenry. Enjoy an educational and entertaining dogsledding presentation. Grill mushers; see mushing equipment; meet and hug Huskies; watch films. Learn how real sleddogs
live and work – see a demo run if it is cold enough. No reservations today – two-hour program STARTS AT 10 AM (not a drop-in event). $20 each. 301-746-7200,
Annual Great Pumpkin Festival
10 am – 1:30 pm, Competitions begin at 11 am, Adventure Sports Center International (ASCI). Eighth year of pumpkin mania on the mountain. Registration opens at 10 am for pre-carved pumpkin contest, followed by the Greased Pumpkin Plunge and the Great Pumpkin Regatta, where numbered pumpkins are released to ride the rapids for prizes. Plenty of fun fall activities for families. More than $500 in prizes. Food available! 301-334-6255. Free Admission.
11th Annual Quilt Show and Sale
10 am – 3 pm, St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Hall, corner of Oak and 4th Streets, Oakland. See beautiful hand-made quilts from area artisans. Vendors, raffle quilts, quilts for sale and vote for your favorite. Presented by Heritage Quilters. Admission: $2. 301-387-2064.
Glassblowing & Retail Store at Simon Pearce
10 am – 5 pm Daily, Simon Pearce, 265 Glass Drive, Mt. Lake Park. Interact and observe Simon Pearce master glassblowers demonstrate the art of glassblowing and shop in the retail store including a sale on 2nd quality glass and pottery. Children welcome. Free Admission. 301-334-5277
40th Civic Club Antique Show & Sale
10 am – 4 pm , Oakland Community Center (formerly the Armory) at 8th & High St, Oakland, MD 21550. A very upscale antique show, our dealers come from PA, WV, VA, OH and MD and offer various primitive furniture, coins, jewelry and glassware. We also have a King size handquilted quilt and pillow covers to chance off. Free parking and homemade food available. Admission: $3 for adults & good for all 3 days. 301-334-4420.
6th Annual Craft & Basket Sale
10 am – 4 pm , 1046 E. High St. Oakland, between Southern High School and Oakland Community Center. Wide variety of crafts and gifts including handmade primitive cabinets, hutches & stands, fall & winter seasonal crafts, Longaberger baskets, jewelry, pottery,
candles, purses & totes and much more. 301-334-6298. Free Admission.
Mountain Lake Park Museum/Ticket Office
12 pm – 4 pm, G Street & Spruce St in Mountain Lake Park. Experience the “Victorian” past of Mountain Lake Park. Visit the “Ticket Office/Museum” (Rt. 135 & G St) to use a tape or CD to guide you on the walking/driving tour of the Historic Area. On Friday, Pleasant Valley Dream Rides will provide a Buggy Tour and members of the Historic Association will be available in the “Ticket Office” to answer questions. 301-334-4314. Free Admission, $5 Fee for Buggy Ride.
No Hands Sundae Eating Contest
Contest begins at 2 pm. Registration begins at 1:15 pm, Lakeside Creamery, 20282 Garrett Hwy., Route 219, Deep Creek Lake. Kids & kids at heart will bury their faces in 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, gooey chocolate syrup, sprinkles & whipped cream at this annual contest. 15-25 contestants compete at a time by age group. Advance registration is suggested by calling 301-387-2580. $5 benefitting local charity, Garrett Mentors.