Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreekvacations.com301-501-0420

Maryland gas drilling propsects may improve with incoming governor

CUMBERLAND — The new administration of incoming Gov. Larry Hogan could revive the chances for drilling for natural gas in Western Maryland. That drilling should take advantage of technology developed by Alliant Techsystems Inc., said Allegany County Commissioner Bill Valentine. Valentine would like the first test well in Allegany County to use that technology, he said.

That’s at the same time that Gov. Martin O’Malley is being ripped by environmentalists for promulgating rules for hydraulic fracturing, which, when in place, could allow drilling to begin. O’Malley will leave office in mid-January. This week, Hogan said he didn’t like O’Malley issuing major regulations on gas drilling and other issues in the last few weeks of his administration.

Valentine and Del. Wendell Beitzel say O’Malley’s proposed rules are so restrictive that they would make drilling cost-prohibitive, but they think a new administration might be willing to offer safe regulations that would make it worthwhile for gas companies to consider drilling in Garrett and Allegany counties.

“It’s an issue that would have a tremendous economic impact,” Beitzel said. “As we go along technology will improve even further and risk will be reduced. There are risks in any industrial activity,” Beitzel said.

Read More Here:  http://eaglefordtexas.com/news/id/142276/maryland-gas-drilling-propsects-may-improve-incoming-governor/

